Reinventing Your Personal Brand – Rohit Bhargava Interview

My own story of reinvention is a very happy one. I transitioned from an elite corporate career in Japan to a lifestyle of my choice in America. To reinvent myself, I needed to learn new technical skills. Fortunately for me, I have always enjoyed studying. My dream occupation allows me to work from where-ever I am. That was my primary goal. I also love what I do, so I am living my passion. The final ingredient to my successful reinvention has been investing in my health through intelligent eating and regular exercise, particularly important since my current occupation is computer centric requiring many sedentary hours. (more on this coming soon).

Boomer Tech Talk was born out of our realization that many in our generation are currently in transition. Whether you are preparing for another corporate job in your field or doing a full reinvention to a new career, you probably need some new skills, just as I did. You should also be aware of your personal brand on-line and how to communicate it.

Rohit Bhargava is the Senior Vice President Digital Strategy & Marketing at Ogilvy PR and author of Personality Not Included. I had the pleasure of participating in Rohit’s book launch and was delighted to capture him for this video interview at BlogWorld Expo in Las Vegas.

Rohit explains that as you transition to your new passion, such as owning a restaurant or running a small business, the reinvention of your personal brand can be bolstered with social writing or video. Note Rohit says “personal brand” because as a business owner, the brand of that business is – you. This is not the time to hide yourself. Your personality can do much to drive the success of your business, so let it show.

To do this, you can publish yourself on-line. This could be through a blog or micro-blog such as Twitter. If you don’t like to write, consider producing simple videos that bring your voice and your personality to your potential customers.

If you google “Linda Sherman Gordon” you’ll find that I’ve been doing a whole lot of showing my personality on and off line.

Linda Sherman and Rohit Bhargava at BlogWorld Expo Opening Party

Linda Sherman and Rohit Bhargava at BlogWorld Expo Opening Party

Rohit Bhargava SVP Ogilvy PR with Doug Ulman, CEO LiveStrong following BWE10 keynote

Rohit Bhargava with Doug Ulman, CEO LiveStrong. Rohit and Doug had just done a keynote at BlogWorld Expo together “Behind the Wristband: How LiveStrong Evolved From a Cause to a Movement.” – Photo by Linda Sherman

About Linda Sherman

Boomer Tech Talk Managing Editor, Linda Sherman is passionate about senior health care and healthy longevity. Start-ups and board service in this field are of interest. Linda has a distinguished background of international subsidiary CEO/CMO experience. These include CEO Club Med Japan, Barilla Japan and CMO Wal-Mart Japan. After setting up Coors Japan, Linda devised and implemented an innovative guerrilla-marketing plan for ZIMA in Japan that produced a lasting, profitable success. Linda Sherman has been featured and quoted in Forbes, The New York Times, Christian Monitor and other leading publications. Connect with Linda on Twitter and Instagram @LindaSherman.