Nutrition Apps and Software with Jessica Cooper, Mory Bahar

Recorded on 2-16-23, this episode is part of our Fitness and Wellness series.
Speakers are listed in their order of appearance.

Jessica Cooper, MS, RD, Chief Science Officer, Opsis Health – Plateful (Opsis Health filed for bankruptcy March 2024) Jessica is currently Director of Lifestyle Medicine for Metrodora Institute.
Mory Bahar, CEO, Personal Remedies; Board Complex Health Solutions; member StartUp Health (speaker HLTH)
Odo von Wulffen, VP Partnerships East Coast kindly stood in for the executive from Biostarks headquarters he had arranged to present
Alka Sahnan, Registered Manager Prince of Wales Nursing Home
Michael Philips, AARP Technology (and co-host) shared AARP Nutrition and brain health research

This episode focused on the very important area of nutrition. Jessica Cooper, Chief Science Officer for Opsis Health, introduced Plateful, a free app that uses AI to analyze food intake and provide personalized dietary recommendations. Regretfully, Opsis Health filed for bankruptcy in March 2024. You will still benefit from learning about it. Jessica is currently Director of Lifestyle Medicine for Metrodora Institute.

Mory Bahar, CEO, Personal Remedies discussed their fully automated nutritional guidance system, which considers multiple chronic conditions and medications. We were fortunate to meet Mory through the HLTH conference.

Odo von Wolfen explained Biostarts’ $199 blood tests that analyze biomarkers and provide dietary recommendations. There are three separate products for Longevity, Sports and Nutrition.

Alka Sahnan shared insights from the nursing home she manages in the UK, emphasizing the importance of natural, varied diets and regular weight monitoring.

Michael Phillips explained AARP’s nutrition research.

Steve Ewell, Director of the Consumer Technology Association Foundation talked about the growth of food tech at CES.

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Hosted by: Linda Sherman, Debbie Howard, Michael Phillips and Steve Ewell. Further info on them is in the sidebar, fifth item with a microphone symbol.

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Music: Solemnity written and performed by Richard Sherman

Nutrition Apps and Software

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