Marketing Tips for Startup Founders

Valuable marketing tips for anyone seeking to sell products and services supporting 50 plus and older adults. Learn about analytic marketing tools, intent data and fractional CMO possibilities. Effective languaging for speaking about older adults. User Experience tips. AI use in marketing discussion.

Recorded on April 4, 2024, this episode is part of our Marketing series. Speakers are listed in their order of appearance.

Bonni Kaplan DeWoskin, Emerging Healthcare Technology Marketing Expert, CMOScout

Elisabeth Pendergrass, Marketing Manager, AgeTech Collaborative from AARP

Debbie Howard on User Experience. Chairman, The Carter Group (Japan Market Resource Network)

Debbie Howard’s Episode Recap

January 26, 2023 Rethinking Aging Club Marketing show featuring Bonnie:
Not yet a podcast but it will be. We will replace it here when it is available. Clubhouse recording only until then.

Analytic Marketing Tools From Bonnie:
Ask Your Target Market
Answer the Public
six cents (expensive)

Bonnie’s marketing tips blog on CMO Scout

Elisabeth Pendergrass AARP resources:
Representing the 50Plus

Preferred Terminology

Linda’s TikTok of the AgeTech Collaborative T shirt worn by Elizabeth


LinkedIn Show Post

Hosted by: Linda Sherman and Debbie Howard. Further info on them is in the sidebar, fifth item with a microphone symbol.

We continue to record new Rethinking Aging Club podcasts live on Thursdays. How to join live.

Please follow our 2 podcasts. This and News for the Ages by Rethinking Aging Club. Our News for the Ages podcasts are published weekly on Wednesday, the day after they are recorded.

We are catching up with publishing Rethinking Aging Club podcasts, and hope to be current by early 2025.

Music: Solemnity written and performed by Richard Sherman

Marketing Tips for Startup Founders

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