Falls Prevention

In this special Falls Prevention show, we had two featured speakers and five pre-scheduled expert commenters on stage.

September is Falls Prevention Awareness Month.
The National Council on Aging led 17th annual Falls Prevention Awareness Week was September 18-24, 2024.

GaitBetter, a medical device, transforms treadmills into smart gait training systems, improving balance and cognitive functions. At the time of this podcast recording, it had 130 installations in the U.S., with 15,000 users and 22 peer-reviewed publications.

Accelera, a wearable device, uses stochastic resonance to enhance proprioception, boosting balance and mobility. It costs $495 for an individual unit and is used in rehabilitation and prevention. Both products aim to reduce falls and improve quality of life for older adults.

Recorded on September 19, 2024, this episode is part of the Falls Prevention Series and the Fitness and Wellness Series. Information for our two featured speakers Hilik Harari and Mike Wing are listed in their order of appearance. We had discussion after each speaker with the pre-scheduled commenters listed below. We concluded with a summary from Debbie Howard.

Hilik Harari, CEO, GaitBetter, Member AgeTech Collaborative from AARP
Falls Risks on GaitBetter Website
Case Studies
GaitBetter Facebook has US installation videos

Mike Wing, CEO and Co-Founder, Accelera

Pre-scheduled Commenters for Featured Speakers on Stage:
Benjamin Surmi, Director Education and Culture, Koelsch Communities
Laura M. Caron-Parker, Occupational Therapist
Consuela Marshall, OT, CAPS, CDP, Finding a Foothold LinkTree
Ellen Khalifa, regular presenter for our weekly News for the Ages shows
Ellen’s Falls Prevention report https://boomertechtalk.com/podcast/news-for-the-ages-9-17-24/
Brett Adler, Co-Founder, VoicePT

Debbie Howard’s summary of this show.


LinkedIn Show Post

Hosted by: Linda Sherman and Debbie Howard. Further info on them is in the sidebar, fifth item with a microphone symbol.

We continue to record new Rethinking Aging Club podcasts live on Thursdays. How to join live.

Please follow our 2 podcasts. This and News for the Ages by Rethinking Aging Club. Our News for the Ages podcasts are published weekly on Wednesday, the day after they are recorded.

We are catching up with publishing Rethinking Aging Club podcasts, and hope to be current by early 2025.

Music: Solemnity written and performed by Richard Sherman

Falls Prevention

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