Dementia and Brain Health
Discussion hosted by Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon and Debbie Howard. Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed, followed by Debbie’s summary of this show. Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury CAPS, Elizabeth’s Life’s Encore Planning AARP updated 1-16-25 Sneaky Retirement Expenses Discussion Best Budgeting Apps Kanopy – for free streaming film through the public library Presented…
Read MoreThis episode continued our CES 2025 Highlights with part 2. Kota Ageiwa of Thinkie Inc. discussed the development and testing of their Android / iOS app, which, with a brain activity sensor, uses neurofeedback to improve cognitive function. Bryce Folsom of eLife Health introduced a system that integrates health information into driver’s licenses for faster…
Read MoreDiscussion hosted by Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon and Debbie Howard. Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed, followed by Debbie’s summary of this show. Presented by Benjamin Surmi, Koelsch Communities McKnights Senior Living 1-17-25 Senior Living Can Put Pandemic Recovery Behind It as Occupancy Rates Reach New Highs by Kimberly Bonvissuto Presented by Debbie Howard,…
Read MoreDon’t miss this special episode with Eloy van Hal co-founder of The Hogeweyk and Mary Pitsch co-founder of Livasu Village. Do you want to visit The Hogeweyk? Learn more about what that entails. Important facility planning considerations especially for countries that traditionally lock in dementia patients. Eloy shared the development of The Hogeweyk, a dementia…
Read MoreIn this episode, we continued to explore caregiver friendly products and services in recognition of November as the month for both National Family Caregivers and Alzheimer’s Awareness. Recorded on November 14, 2024, this show featured (in order of appearance): Natalie Elliott Handy, CEO, CareForward and Heroes Caring for Heroes on PBS and Confessions of a…
Read MoreDiscussion hosted by Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon and Debbie Howard. Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed, followed by Debbie’s summary of this show. Presented by Benjamin Surmi, Koelsch Communities Reported on the Center for Innovation: The Green House Project and Pioneer Network Conference Nov 11-13 he is attending Linda Sherman referenced during the anti…
Read MoreOur theme was fitness, wellness, and self-care, highlighting the importance of maintaining strength and balance, especially during Healthy Aging Month. Eric Levitan discussed Vivo’s online, interactive strength training classes, emphasizing their affordability ($12 – $20 per class) and the benefits of social engagement. Dr. Krystal Culler from the Virtual Brain Health Center stressed the importance…
Read MoreIn this special Falls Prevention show, we had two featured speakers and five pre-scheduled expert commenters on stage. September is Falls Prevention Awareness Month. The National Council on Aging led 17th annual Falls Prevention Awareness Week was September 18-24, 2024. GaitBetter, a medical device, transforms treadmills into smart gait training systems, improving balance and cognitive…
Read MoreLinda Sherman
Debbie Howard
Boomer Tech Talk