How to Write For the 50 Plus Online Marketplace

I presented a content creation session at BlogWorld NYC in May 2011 called How to Write For and Engage the 50 Plus Marketplace Online. If 50 plus consumers are of interest to your business, cause or study, you should find the slides here of value.

When I write for Boomer Tech Talk, my focus is on providing easy to understand tips on social media and technology that boomers can use for themselves, their business and their parents or other significant seniors in their lives.

Linda Sherman Speaking at BlogWorld NYC 2011

To prepare for my presentation, the first step was to provide an educated overview of that marketplace, including why it is valuable to attract these readers and what interests and concerns them. Following is a list of acknowledgements for interviews and books that were kindly provided to support my preparation, as well as resources that I accessed.

Vinton Cerf, Google
Shelli Snelling,
Dr. Sandra Timmerman, Mature Market Institute,
Michelle Robson,

Useful Books:
They’re Your Parents Too! – Francine Russo
Turning Silver into Gold – Mary Furlong
Vibrant Nation, What Boomer Women Know, Think and Buy – Stephen Reily

Special thanks:
Rosa Mangiardi, Continuum Crew, public relations

Additional Resources:
AARP – Lori Bitter
Internet Retailer
Osher Foundation
Pew Research
Purdue University Center on Aging
Scarborough Research

I co-presented with Eva Abreu. You will see in the slides that I presented part one and Eva presented part two which focused on case studies. It was a pleasure creating this presentation with her.

Although, there is a message on this presentation frame saying “view on slideshare”, you can see these slides right here by clicking on the arrows at the bottom of the show.

BlogWorld NYC 2011 Presentation by Linda Sherman

View more presentations from Linda Sherman

About Linda Sherman

Boomer Tech Talk Managing Editor, Linda Sherman is passionate about senior health care and healthy longevity. Start-ups and board service in this field are of interest. Linda has a distinguished background of international subsidiary CEO/CMO experience. These include CEO Club Med Japan, Barilla Japan and CMO Wal-Mart Japan. After setting up Coors Japan, Linda devised and implemented an innovative guerrilla-marketing plan for ZIMA in Japan that produced a lasting, profitable success. Linda Sherman has been featured and quoted in Forbes, The New York Times, Christian Monitor and other leading publications. Connect with Linda on Twitter and Instagram @LindaSherman.