Dementia Friendly Villages The Hogeweyk and Livasu

Don’t miss this special episode with Eloy van Hal co-founder of The Hogeweyk and Mary Pitsch co-founder of Livasu Village. Do you want to visit The Hogeweyk? Learn more about what that entails. Important facility planning considerations especially for countries that traditionally lock in dementia patients.

Eloy shared the development of The Hogeweyk, a dementia village in the Netherlands, emphasizing normal daily life and community integration. Mary detailed the plan for Livasu Village in Wisconsin, highlighting home ownership, intergenerational living, and community engagement. They discussed the importance of a holistic approach and family involvement. Both projects aim to provide a dignified, supportive environment for people with dementia, promoting agency and quality of life.

Our live podcast recording includes audience questions.

November is both National Family Caregivers and Alzheimer’s Awareness month.

Recorded on November 21, 2024 this episode is part of our Dementia and Brain Health category as well as our Living Choices category and Caregiving category. Speakers are listed in their order of appearance.

Eloy van Hal, Co-Founder, The Hogeweyk and Senior Managing Advisor for Be Advice/Vivium zorggroep
Be Advice and Details on The Hogeweyk 
What does Eloy’s Be Advice Nonprofit do

Mary Pitsch, Master Level Social Worker and Certified Care Manager
Co-Founder, Dementia Innovations
Co-Founder, Livasu Village
Owner, Embrace Care Management

The first presentation in our 11-12-24 News for the Ages show, Benjamin Surmi (co-host for today’s episode) spoke about unlocking memory care during his report on the Nov 11-13 Center for Innovation conference.

Livasu means “living as usual”.
CBS 3-14-14 broadcast recording and written report on the Livasu Village in Sheboyhan County, Wisconsin

LinkedIn Show Post

Hosted by: Linda Sherman, Debbie Howard, and Benjamin Surmi. Further info on them is in the sidebar, fifth item with a microphone symbol.
*Linda Sherman read Benjamin’s comments and questions into show.
We were so happy that Benjamin could be with us live, but due to severe weather conditions, he could add post in the chat we used for the podcast recording but with one bar of cellular was unable to unmute and speak.

We continue to record new Rethinking Aging Club podcasts live on Thursdays. How to join live.

Please follow our 2 podcasts. This and News for the Ages by Rethinking Aging Club. Our News for the Ages podcasts are published weekly on Wednesday, the day after they are recorded.

We are catching up with publishing Rethinking Aging Club podcasts, and hope to be current by the end of 2024.

Music: Solemnity written and performed by Richard Sherman

Dementia Friendly Villages The Hogeweyk and Livasu

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