Maddy Dychtwald Ageless Aging, Outdated Career Ladder, Gov Newsom Bills to Support Dementia Patients 9-24-24
Discussion hosted by Linda Sherman and Ray Gordon.
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed.
Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury,
Fortune Well 8-20-24 Four Ways Women Can Make the Most of Their ‘Longevity Bonus’ by Alexa Mikhail
Features Maddy Dychtwald, author of Ageless Aging: A Woman’s Guide to Increasing Healthspan, Brainspain, and Lifespan
Age Wave Team including Maddy
Related: Linda and Ray’s coverage of The Happiness Curve author presenting in 2020
Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan
Forbes 9-3-24 Why Indeed’s View on Career Decline is So Wrong by Dan Pontefract
This topic was introduced in our Sept 10th News for the Ages show:
Ellen: While the title of this article simply refutes the LinkedIn infographic I presented two weeks ago, the meat of the article proposes a new model – the “Career Mosiac” vs the outdated Career Ladder. I’d like to connect that to Healthy Aging Month and wellspan since a life for flourishing in old age needs to include meaning, purpose and resources.
Presented by Benjamin Surmi, Koelsch Communities
9-21-24 Gov Newsom Signed a Package of 12 Bills on World Alzheimer’s Day
From the governor:
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News for the Ages by Rethinking Aging Club
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Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman