Mild Cognitive Impairment Treatment, Power Test for Biological Age, Do 5 Exerices We Hate, Importance of Touch 3-12-24
Discussion hosted by Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon, and Debbie Howard
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed, followed by Debbie’s summary of this show.
Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury,
NY Times Wellness 2-6-24 Mild Cognitive Impairment Treatment by Dana G Smith Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Tiny Habits Coach Focused on Improving Health Span
NY Times Wellness 1-22-24 Thirty Second Power Test to Test Biological Age by Amanda Loudin Presented by Debbie Howard, Aging Matters International
NY Times Wellness 3-6-24 Five Exercises We Hate and Why You Should Do Them Anyway by Anna Maltby Presented by Ray Gordon, Architect / Urban Planner / Futurist
New Scientist 2-28-24 Unexpected Ways Your Skin Affects Your Health and Longevity by Michael Marshall (just did sidebar on Importance of Touch this week, will do rest of article next week)
Apple Access
Debbie Howard’s summary of this show.
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman