Meditation and Brain Body Connection Tennis Tips
Recorded on 8-31-23, this episode is part of our Fitness and Wellness series. We continue to record new Rethinking Aging Club podcasts live on Thursdays. How to join live.
Speakers are listed in their order of appearance.
Danielle Palli, Author, and Coach, Birdland Media
“Yoga involves dual tasking, doing cognitive and physical activity together, such as synchronized mindful breathing with movement, which we know enhances balance and cognitive function and creativity and cognitive flexibility. Today, I no longer teach yoga, but I do continue to facilitate mindfulness activities such as meditation and journaling as a coach.”
“190K participants within 15 separate studies that linked physical activity with a 25% reduction in depression when people exercised for 2.5 hours per week.”
“Meditation is not a “one size fits all.” In 1:1 coaching, I’ve found myself adjusting for clients with diagnosed ADHD/OCD and those working through trauma”
Julie Carmen Actor, Licensed Marriage Family Therapist, Certified Yoga Therapist,
“I think people should be aware of the category of yoga teaching called certified yoga therapists, because our students are trained in all the contraindications”
Rashmi Schramm, MD, Board Certified Family Physician, Integrative Wellness Coach, Chopra Certified PSM Meditation Teacher
Dr Schramm is a great find because she is combining medicine and what we all know works well from meditation and mindfulness. Meditation and mindfulness could become more mainstream when doctors actually embrace these practices.
Ryan W. Winters, Professional tennis coach at The Club at Kukui’ula on Kauai, who successfully uses brain body connection prompts.
“In a match, I shouldn’t be considering how to stroke the ball. It’s already too late. I’ve developed what I’ve developed. I’m here, I’m now, and I should be considering physical chess and strategy instead.
“In sports, we have something called the 16 second cure. If I’ve lost a point, or if I’ve had one of the best shots I’ve ever had, I now have a chemical imbalance. It can take up to a minute and 30 seconds sometimes to let those chemicals subside”
Lauren Duffell, a sleep science coach and registered holistic nutritionist, reminds us that meditation helps us with sleep quality. She recommended the physiological sigh that we can use whenever we’re feeling torqued up.
We loved Lauren’s “moving meditation” suggestion.
Tree Hugging by Rashmi Schramm:
Two videos from Dr. Daniel Amen
Racquet Sports and the Brain
Ted Talk
Julie Carmen’s Yoga Talks
Danielle Palli’s Free Meditation Resources on InsightTimer
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Hosted by: Linda Sherman, Debbie Howard, Steve Ewell and Michael Phillips. Further info on them is in the sidebar, fifth item with a microphone symbol.
Music: Solemnity written and performed by Richard Sherman