Chair Yoga, Fitness Over 50 and Dance4Healing
Recorded on 5-25-23, this episode is part of the Fitness and Wellness Series.
Speakers are listed in their order of appearance.
Mark Evin, Co-founder and CEO, Ludica Health – LudoFit
LudoFit games promote both cognitive and physical health. Video-game exercises for balance, strength, stamina and brain health with beautiful scenery and fun-filled moments.
Amy Li, Founder and CEO, Dance4Healing
Amy explained Dance4Healing, an AI-powered telehealth platform targeting cancer patients and others, with a current NIH study.
Steven Bass, 50+ Health and Wellness Coach, AliveVitalandFit
A company based in Kauai that focuses on health and wellness for 50 plus. Flexibility, strength and vitality building take an intentional effort, and that we should work on it every single day, because the sedentary lifestyle is absolutely the enemy. Movement as medicine.
Paty Renda, Elder fitness; Yoga trainer,
Paty uses a combination of yoga meditation and coaching and using seated exercises for patients who may not be able to stand as much as they might like anymore.
DuAnne Redus, Life Coach, Author, Chair exercises instructor,
Her chair program combines Tai Chi, lymphatic massage and visualization – all to music.
Debbie Howard’s summary of this show.
Audience Comments:
Elizabeth Green (not endorsing but worth noting) Exercise equipment for worn out joints, especially for dialysis patients whose shunts increase the risk of infection from aquatic rehab. PhysioGait Dynamic Unweighting System from Performance Health
Mark Yamada: KAEA – Kauai Agency on Elderly Affairs
Hosted by: Linda Sherman, Debbie Howard and Steve Ewell. Further info on them is in the sidebar, fifth item with a microphone symbol.
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Music: Solemnity written and performed by Richard Sherman