Guest Posts
Many boomers are rethinking their retirement plans. A June 11th report from the Federal Reserve, reported that average net worth fell 40% between 2007 and 2010. Changing retirement plans is not as bad as it sounds, and this is what a small business owner client of mine found out. Marion Speidel operates a residential construction…
Read MoreNot too long ago, while traveling on the cross-town bus to a midday appointment, I took out my iPad to do a bit of reading. After several minutes I looked up to check how far we’d gone. But what caught my attention were the seven or eight people around me immersed in their e-readers. OK,…
Read MoreWhen it comes to mobile technology, for me, it’s all about convenience, usability, and dealing effectively with information overload. I want the smallest, lightest, most simple device I can carry that still puts everything I want at my fingertips when I need it. While I love my iPhone 4, the fact is that for many…
Read MoreBy Vanessa Van Petten, creator of, a parenting website written from the teen perspective to help parents understand them. I believe technology provides some really fun activities for techie kids and parents, grandparents or even teachers to bond. In my book Do I Get My Allowance Before or After I’m Grounded? I talk about…
Read MoreDealing with aging parents has always been a challenge, but in recent years with longevity increasing almost exponentially, it’s become an even bigger job. Boomers are often in the situation of being The Sandwich Generation because of this modern phenomenon of raising kids and dealing with aging parents at the same time. Add to the…
Read MoreThe other day, I went to CostCo and bought a new blender. The old one had broken after a dozen years of use. I took the new one out of the box, plugged it in, and made a quick smoothie. WHY CAN’T COMPUTERS and all this tech stuff that Linda insists I learn or buy,…
Read MoreThe paper Date Book is still seen as an essential planning tool for some, while many have switched over to computerized calendars that sync with their smart phones.
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