Posts by Bruce Sallan
Evolution of Technology – Rotary Dial Phone Nostalgia
This Evolution of Technology series article focuses on the rotary telephone or as our guest co-author Professor Weber likes to refer to our recent old telephone past – Reflections on Prehistoric Telecommunications. Professor Weber leads off: When boxing up possessions to remove from a room I’m remodeling as a functional home office, I recently came…
Read MoreSenior Assisted Living and the Sandwich Generation
Dealing with aging parents has always been a challenge, but in recent years with longevity increasing almost exponentially, it’s become an even bigger job. Boomers are often in the situation of being The Sandwich Generation because of this modern phenomenon of raising kids and dealing with aging parents at the same time. Add to the…
Read MoreSocial Interaction Propels Virtual Interaction
I’ve been on a three-year journey, learning Social Media, taught to me initially by social media marketing consultant Linda Sherman, and then venturing into the vast expanding Internet universe alone. Scary. Exciting. Addictive. Alluring. No, those are words for my wife. I’ve learned that interaction must also be in person, live, social interaction, and not…
Read MoreBoomer Parenting Tips – Tech Manners
There’s a new word out there – netiquette – and it’s about manners in our tech obsessed world. On this topic, I wrote a recent A Dad’s Point-of-View column, called, When Is Rude, Rude? inspired by an incident that took place in our home. It’s a perfect subject for another Boomer Parenting Tips article and…
Read MoreHow I Learned to Love New Gadgets
As a boomer, I’ve found myself alternately resisting and embracing emerging technologies, new technology gadgets, and modern technology altogether. Sometimes, my stubborn old self (the guy that is portrayed in our It’s a Tech World After All cartoons) just wants to say, “Leave me alone!” But, more recently, I’ve come to not only embrace these…
Read MoreBoomer Parenting Tips – Parents On Facebook
Are you friends on Facebook with all your family members? Should you be? What are the risks? What are the benefits? Parents on Facebook is a delicate thing. For that matter, monitoring your kid’s activities on the Internet in general is a delicate thing. It’s part of your parenting job, but it could promote…
Read MoreEvolution of Technology – Film Photography and Darkrooms
AKA Bruce’s Guide to the Evolution of Technology and His Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby, Part Four* With Guest Co-Author, Professor David E. Weber After a hard-fought campaign, a re-count, and a “chad” review, film photography and darkrooms won the day and is the topic for our 4th Evolution of Technology article. Yes, we are going…
Read MoreBoomer Parenting Tips – Internet Safety – An Introduction
Internet Safety is a subject that is both sensitive and ultra-important to all parents. As parents, our job is to protect our children. But, sometimes protecting them from dangers can be difficult, alienate them, and frankly even be hard to implement. The internet has its share of mysteries and many a parent that wants to…
Read MoreBoomer Parenting Tips – The Balancing Act
The work and life balance isn’t easy. Whether it’s too much technology, too much work, too much television, or just “too much,” parents are always doing a “Balancing Act” with their time. Who gets it, who doesn’t, who needs it, who has been left out, etc. It’s a classic parental dilemma and one that has…
Read MoreThe Technology Monster
Sometimes, I just wish it would stop. The “Technology Monster” won’t stop following me! I recently visited Southeast Asia and found this monster everywhere. It didn’t matter if it was the high-living, modern, extra-ordinary city of Hong Kong or the severe poverty of Cambodia and Borneo! The high-rises of Hong Kong had laser murals on…
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