Ending Well
Discussion hosted by Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon and Debbie Howard. Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed, followed by Debbie’s summary of this show. Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan KFF Health News 1-22-25 The Growing Inequality in Life Expectancy Among Americans by Amy Maxmen Related suggestion from Stacey Eisenberg What…
Read MoreDiscussion hosted by Linda Sherman, and Ray Gordon. Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed. Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Habits Coach for Healthspan and Wellspan McKnight’s Senior Living 11-25-24 Early Hospice Care Has Transformative Impact by Aaron Housh Dr. Zalan Alam mentioned: Spring Hill Hospice UK Day Care opportunity for family respite, bereavement…
Read MoreThis episode’s discussion features innovations from this year’s 2024 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), including holographic beaming anywhere in the world, a medical records organization platform that improves health outcomes, and an easier way for older loved ones to tell their stories. This show was recorded on March 7, 2024, and included the following guests in…
Read MoreThis episode’s discussion features products that were exhibited at the 2024 Consumer Electronics Show. These innovations support personalized communications through storytelling from a huge library of choices, provide a practical alternative for those with visual impairments, offer solace through music therapy to those with cognitive decline, and help older adults organize their treasured objects in…
Read MoreSusan Golden Sc.D. discussed her book “Stage, Not Age,” emphasizing the $28 trillion global market for older adults by 2050. She highlighted the importance of design with, not for, older adults, citing Best Buy’s VR training for sales staff and Nike’s continuous athlete strategy. Susan also talked about the need for a caregiver connector and…
Read MoreImportant authors explain hospice and palliative care. Recorded on 5-4-23, this episode is part of our Ending Well series. And Ending Well is part of our Caregiving series. Speakers are listed in their order of appearance. Kaishauna L. Guidry, MD, HMDC, Author, “Dr. G’s H.O.S.P.I.C.E. Pocket Guide: 7 Things Hospice Physicians Need to Know to…
Read MoreDiscussion hosted by Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon, and Debbie Howard Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed, followed by Debbie’s summary of this show. Presented by Dr. Zalan Alam, MBBS, FRCGP GP Partner and Clinical Director IMC Scientific American June Issue Palliative Care Needed Sooner Than Later https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/patients-fare-better-when-they-get-palliative-care-sooner-not-later/ Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury, LifesEncore.com WSJ…
Read MoreLinda Sherman
Debbie Howard
Boomer Tech Talk