Submitting Guest Post Ideas to BoomerTechTalk
Since we put this up, we have published two guest posts. These were for people we knew and respected.
Doing a guest post for Boomer Tech Talk is a limited possibility and will not provide you with a back link.
We are not interested in posts representing commercial entities. This is an opportunity for exposure for individuals wishing to demonstrate their affiliation with improving healthy longevity for all of us.
We feel images are essential to every article. The featured image must be a minimum of 700 pixels in width. The best images are unique images that you have taken yourself.
Social media is important to us and we hope that you would have interest in socializing your post. We will be socializing it.
Your post must be original. We are not interested in publishing duplicate content. You may repurpose the content for your own site three months after we have published it.
You will enter your post directly and have your name appear as author like this. The post must be by an individual not a company. The bio will be about an individual author.
Please use this form for submissions: