Superaging, Nursing Shortage, Millenial and GenX Caregivers Crisis Workplace Bill, Family Caregivers, Brain Rewire 12-12-23
Discussion hosted by Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon, and Debbie Howard
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed, followed by Debbie’s summary of this show.
Presented by Ray Gordon, Architect / Urban Planner / Futurist
WSJ Health 11-17-23 They Made It to the Top 0.2%-in Age. Here’s What Helped Them Get There by Gretchen Tarrant Gulla
Apple News Access
Fortune 11-19-23 by Liz Seegert on Superaging
Presented by Benjamin Surmi, Koelsch Communities
STAT 10-16-23 Is There a Nursing Shortage? by Brittany Trang
Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Tiny Habits Coach Focused on Improving Health Span
University of Cambridge 11-21-23 Rewiring of Brain Study Refutes Previous Beliefs
Presented by Debbie Howard, Aging Matters International
Fortune 12-08-23 Millenial and GenX Caregivers Crisis Workplace Bill by Bill Novelli
Presented by Gary Barg, Caregiver Media Group &
Kiplinger 11-12-23 How to Help Family Caregivers by Seychelle Thomas
Debbie Howard’s summary of this show.
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman