Gait Rehab, Dating After 60, Toddlers Spread Cheer at Japanese Nursing Home, National Caregiver Support Strategy Update 11-14-23
Discussion hosted by Linda Sherman, Ray Gordon, and Debbie Howard
Articles are listed in the order they were presented and discussed, followed by Debbie’s summary of this show.
Presented by Ellen Khalifa, Tiny Habits Coach Focused on Improving Health Span
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 10-24-23 Visual Feedback System for Gait Rehabilitation in Older Adults
Presented by Benjamin Surmi, Koelsch Communities
NBC News 10-28-23 Toddlers Spread Cheer at Japanese Nursing Home by Janis Mackey Frayer & Arata Yamamoto Kitakyushu, Japan; Mithil Aggarwal Hong Kong
Presented by Elizabeth Magallon Fleury,
NY Times Well 9-23-23 Dating After 60 by Catherine Pearson
Presented by Debbie Howard, Aging Matters International
McKnight’s Senior Living 10-27-23 National Caregiver Strategy Update by Kimberly Bonvissuto
McKnights no longer provides a live link to this article but you can hear all about it on our show.
Debbie Howard’s summary of this show.
Nickie’s Tune written and performed by Richard Sherman