Linda Sherman

japan crisis social media graphic by ray gordon

Social Media in Times of Crisis – Japan Earthquake Tsunami

By Linda Sherman / March 14, 2011

Social Media can help unite us in times of crisis. Within moments, social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Youtube connect the world with the voices and images on the ground as well our own global reactions. We give you here one more reason that you should be participating in social media if you aren’t…

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Verbatim Acclaim 320GB USB portable hard drive

Creative Tech Gifts for Valentines Day

By Linda Sherman / February 10, 2011

Flowers, candy and jewelry are so last century, not to mention gender specific. Did you know that in Japan women give chocolates to men and men don’t give gifts on Valentines Day at all? Ladies, if we want gifts, let’s at least be reciprocal. We came up with a few  Valentines Day tech gifts for…

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last minute tech gift ideas - boomer tech talk

Last Minute Tech Gift Ideas

By BoomerTechTalk / December 22, 2010

Last minute gift ideas by definition demand efficient purchasing. You are out of time. The only thing that is clear in your mind is that you would like to get a tech related gift. That is why you have come to our how-to tech site for ideas. The good news is that except for very…

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How To Comment on a Website

By Linda Sherman / December 1, 2010

Have you never commented on a website? You are not alone. Many people enjoy reading websites but have not yet tried to comment. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started. Why Comment? There are benefits to commenting. Here are some of them: – Share your opinion with the author and other readers In many…

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ICE in case of emergency logo 380 x 254

How Your Cell Phone Can Save Your Life

By Linda Sherman / November 9, 2010

Almost any cell phone can get you rescued. But a smart phone gives you more ways to reach help. When cell phones were first introduced, a key selling point for families was the help they could provide in an emergency situation. Even the limited functionality of the early phones allowed you to reach emergency services.…

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